A little while back, Liberty University Online Academy posted on social media that they were having a giveaway for tickets to Kirk Cameron’s Living Room Reset. I was not exactly sure what that was. It was Kirk Cameron, though, and I knew that he was a man of God. I entered. We were gifted the tickets. Moving forward a few months, we drove to a church about an hour and a half from our home to find out for ourselves exactly what this event was.
Did you know?
Before I get into more about the event, I want to tell you that I learned something about Kirk about which I was unaware. Did you know that Kirk Cameron is a famous musician? Watch.
Maybe what I meant to say is that Kirk is really well known, and he can play music. That makes him a famous musician, right?
Who should go?
Okay, okay, moving on. While we were not sure about what to expect at the Living Room Reset, we did know that it was an event focused on marriage and parenting. After the experience, I would say that this is an event for folks who are married, couples who are thinking about or planning to get married, people who are struggling in their marriage, and even men and women who have strong marriages and are open to learning more about their commitment and relationship.
As for the parenting part of the evening, really, if you are a dad or a mom, if you are responsible for a child, if you work with children, or even if you simply care about the children in your life and would like to know more about raising them, protecting them, and having a relationship with them, go. Kirk Cameron’s Living Room Reset is something from which you could benefit by attending.
The Event
To open the event, Matt Hammitt came out onto the stage and lead the hundreds of people in attendance in some worship music, and he also sang Lead Me, which you may have heard on the radio as the song that launched Sanctus Real to success. I did not plan on writing about Living Room Reset because we were there to experience it, not document it. That said, we did not get a picture of Matt. We do not need a picture, though, to tell you that he brought more to this event than his incredible, musical talents. He brought a story of hope. I am not going to give it away, though. If you are curious, you will need to get tickets to attend the Living Room Reset and hear Matt for yourself.

We did snap a quick picture with a gentleman who was a drummer with the band Kutless. Since Boy is a drummer, we thought that he might get a kick out of his poppa taking a picture with someone who was a professional drummer.
The Meat and Potatoes
To start, I will say that, in our eyes, Kirk Cameron came across as a down to earth, real, funny guy. Rather than seeming as though he was preaching at the audience, he made it feel as though he were talking to us. Yes, there is a difference. Kirk is casual and talks as though you and he are having a conversation. Well, you and he and hundreds of other people, but I hope that you get what I am saying.
When you purchase tickets to Kirk Cameron’s Living Room Reset, you can choose which topics interest you. The most chosen topics for each event will be discussed at that event. Topics that you may hear discussed include:
- What is a Living Room Reset?
- Parental Attitude
- Forgiving My Spouse
- Cherishing My Spouse
- For Better or Worse
- Kirk and Chelsea’s 3 Keys to Successful Parenting
- Keeping the Heart of My Kids Through the Difficult Years
- How to Establish Godly Authority in My Home
- The Power of My Words
- Circle of Blessing
- Raising Teens in a Social Media World
- It’s Never Too Late to Reset
You might be amazed at how much can be shared and learned in just a few hours. This event is not three hours of you listening to someone speak, though. This is an event where you will want to be present and paying attention.
Chelsea Cameron
It is said that Chelsea joins Kirk in some cities but not in all cities. While Chelsea was not in attendance at the event that we attended, she did join us via a couple of videos that we got to watch. If you attend the Living Room Reset and are fortunate to have both Kirk and Chelsea there, along with Matt, then consider that a bonus. Chelsea seems like a very smart woman who has relevant advice for parents and for spouses.

Kirk also had lots of inspiration and anecdotes and positive points to share. He took very seriously what he was sharing, yet he made it light and relatable. One might think that you would walk out of en event like this feeling heavy and wondering where you might have to make changes in yourself and in your life. It was quite the opposite, though. We walked out of there feeling refreshed and talking about where we would get to do things a little differently.
More and More
There was a point in the evening when Kirk had someone go long to catch a football that he tossed. At another time, he invited someone on stage to share why they love their spouse. Later, dozens of men got down on their knees to pray for their wives. How beautiful is that?

There was so much involved in this evening. I would like to tell you so many different things that we heard, that were shared, that made an impression. Actually, I am busting at the seams to tell you! However, I cannot do that to Kirk at the rest of the crew. It took a bunch of people to put it all together, and they did a fabulous job. We feel privileged to have been able to experience Kirk Cameron’s Living Room Reset, and the two of us would happily go again and again to hear what Kirk shares and to hear what different topics he might discuss at other venues.
Living Room Reset
Seriously. Click here. You can look for a location to which you can go, and you can get your own tickets. You will not know how the Living Room Reset will affect your heart and your family until you attend. Could it be time for a reset?

While you wait until you can attend Living Room Reset, for a burst of inspiration to reset your perspective, take a couple of quick minutes to see what Boy has to say. Then you can decide — Which one are you?
We heard him a loooooooong time ago. Sounds like you had a great time and it was a beneficial event. Thanks for sharing it.
Wow, that sounds like a great event! I particularly love the selection of topics to be discussed. They are really insightful & I’m sure provided great value to those who were in attendance!
How interesting! I think it’s great that Cameron is so proactive for the Gospel.
Wow! This looks so awesome! I have enjoyed hearing some recordings of Kirk Cameron speaking a few times but never had the chance to hear him live. Plus, the topics addressed sound amazing. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I hadn’t heard anything about this, thanks for sharing!
How interesting! I knew that Kirk Cameron was a religious man but I had no idea he put on shows such as this. It looks like a great outing for those who are seeking wisdom from his perspective.
What a cool event. I have never heard of it, but if it comes to my neck of the woods, I will definitely try to attend. Thanks for sharing!
How fun! I’ve never heard of this but it sounds like a great time
This is interesting. Thanks for sharing.
How cool! I’d love to go to this event. I’ll have to check to see if we will be in any areas RVing when his show is there.
Sounds like you had a great time!